Construction of the "Bloomer Costume"

(Courtesy of the Kean Archives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
I have been researching the history of nineteenth century dress reform for quite some time, but there has always been one aspect of the history that is difficult to thoroughly document. This "difficulty" includes how the rational dress of the 1850s was originally constructed. Because each dress reformer was responsible for designing her own clothing to her personal tastes, it is nearly impossible to say that a strict guideline exists for the construction of the dress. Primary documentation, such as newspaper or journal articles, diaries, and letters, can give us some glimpse into the past, but there are very few original "Bloomer Costumes" that still exist from that period in history. What I have decided to do with this page is create some very broad guidelines for the construction of the rational dress based on my own research of primary sources (mainly original articles from