Amelia Jenks Bloomer
Civil War Vivandieres and Daughters of the Regiment
Elizabeth Smith Miller
How Did Diverse Activists Shape the Nineteenth-Century Dress Reform Movement?
Rational Dress Reform
Reforming Fashion, 1850-1914: Politics, Health, and Art
Smithfield Community Association, Peterboro, New York - The hometown of Elizabeth Smith Miller!
The History of the Fashionable Bathing Suit
The Original Bloomer - Jody Luce's web page on Elizabeth Smith Miller!
Victorian Dress Reform - Great links!!
Congratulations to Shaun Grenan and his first published book:
So You Want To Be A Soldier? How to Get Started in Civil War Re-enacting *Order a copy now!!!
Ethnic Warehouse - Ethnic Clothing
Gettysburg Battlefield Online
Lunaelbia: A site for new clothes and old, and all things beautiful
Musee de l'Armee
Myrtle Avenue Clothiers - Historical Reproductions
Originals by Kay - Beautiful Civil War Era Reproduction Civilian Clothing!
Taylor's Battery - 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Company B
Vintage Connection - Antique Clothing and Research
114th Pennsylvania, Co. A - Collis' Zouaves
1st California Regiment/71st Pennsylvania Vols.
The Webmaster wearing her modernized "Turkish Trousers" purchased from an Algerian market in the south of France